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Clearlight Infrared Sauna- Phase 2 of 80 Day Obsession Result Pictures

Clearlight Infrared Sauna

The BODY benefits from MOVEMENT
The MIND benefits from STILLNESS

This has been probably the BEST week of this 80 Day journey in a test group with the 80 Day Obsession. Myself and the first group are 57 days into our journey, the second group is finishing up their 1st week today, and we are getting ready for the next group starting on April 2nd. ( Which has a few spots left open!)  I haven’t faced or felt any pains this week, our Clearlight Infrared Sauna came, and I successful completed the 1st week of the 3rd phase. I have to admit though that I was more tired and exhausted throughout this week.  I just got up from a 3-1/2 hour nap with my wife and 2 year old and now sitting in the sauna writing this post. Autumn wasn’t joking when she let us know that the moves would be getting harder and more challenging as we move into this 3rd phase. I’m learning to EMBRACE the challenge and I have to remember EACH day that I CHOSE to be here and that I accepted this challenge to completely change and transform my life.

80 day obsession men legs , 80 day obsession, men leg workout, male leg workout

In this post I will share with you my Phase 2 progress photos from the 80 Day Obsession, How to Stay Committed while traveling, and a little about this Clearlight Sauna since I have had a TON of questions coming in after talking about it on my Instagram stories (@scottiehobbs)

These are my results photos from the end of Phase 2 on Day 50 of the 80 Day Obsession along with my measurements so that you can be a part of this journey with me.

80 day obsession men, 80 day obsession males

80 day obsession, 80 day obsession men, 80 day obsession males

80 day obsession men,80 day obsession males, 80 day obsession

80 day obsession men, 80 day obsession males, 80 day obession

80 day obsession men, 80 day obsession, 80 day obsession males

Stay Committed while traveling.  Next week I will be gone and away from my home every day starting early on Monday morning.  I will be at a wedding and a home inspection in Utah Monday- Tuesday then will be traveling with my beautiful wife on Wednesday morning to Phoenix Arizona for a 4 day conference with Brendon Bruchard called the High Performance Academy.  Here are a few tips from Saturday’s video for travel.

My friend and trainer of Body Beast, Sagi Kalev ( Official Sagi Kalev) is not just Mr Israel and the creator of Body Beast. He is also a Doctor. He recommended that I get this sauna about 2 years ago but I just didn’t want to pull the trigger. This year has become my year of Self love and Healing and so we ordered it last week and it came on Wednesday!

I’m LOVING this new Santuary of mine. It’s a full spectrum Infrared Sauna and it’s got medical Grade Light therapy and blue tooth to stream my guided meditations. It’s called the “Sanctuary” (You can check them out here) Or email:  [email protected]

Yesterday I used it right after my workout and right before bed at night. I just got out after my Day 55 of this test group and I LOVE how I feel during and after. I literally feel like I am in a fancy spa and I am just in my basement.

clearlight saunas, clearlight sauna, slearlight infrared sauna

After posting on my Instagram stories as we built it and used it for the first time I had a lot of questions so I figured I would share what this does for you.

The meditation obviously can be done anywhere.

I have an issue where I don’t really sweat… like EVER. I can do an intense cardio day or Leg day and don’t create an ounce of sweat. We believe that it’s causing some skin issues with me and so I am excited to transform by using this daily.

This is a Full Spectrum Sauna that involves Near, Mid, and Far waves.

Near waves penetrates just below the surface of the skin creating sweat. As you can see from the picture, I am sweating profusely!

Mid waves penetrates a little deeper creating better circulation and bringing oxygen to reach injured areas of your body. This is something I am constantly battling with doing intense workouts.

FAR INFRARED waves penetrate the body and activate your sweat glands. Sweating is one of the only ways our body has to release toxins. Because it reaches the furthest, these waves penetrate the fat cells causing vasodilation, where the fat cells vibrate to expel toxins, resulting in the greatest levels of detoxification and stimulate your metabolism to aid in weight-loss.

I love also that it has a medical grade Light Therapy that you can set manually on one color, or you can have it move between all colors during your session. Light Therapy is used to reduce swelling, relieve pain, decrease inflammation, accelerate open wound healing and greatly reduce overall recovery after medical/surgical procedures. Studies have shown that patients have demonstrated increased range of motion, decreased muscle tension and spasm, and improved circulation.

Rejuvenating LED light therapy can be used for pain management such as joint and back pain, sore or torn muscles, sprains, arthritis, post-surgical scars, burns, wounds and more. When used with infrared technology, light therapy (phototherapy) is one of the most effective and noninvasive ways to repair the body.

Light therapy is also used to relieve Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD effects individuals when the lack of sunlight results in seasonal depression.( We have LONG grey winters here in Idaho) (You can check them out here) Or email:  [email protected]

PS. IF you have questions you can CONTACT ME and ask at [email protected]

What to expect in the 2nd week of Phase 3 in the 80 Day Obsession program

REFEED DAY is TUESDAY (which falls right before LEG day)80 day obsession calendar, 80 day obsession

If you’ve had results with these programs and want to learn how to build a business please watch this video of my friend Ashley sharing how she was able to share her results and build a 6 figure income Part-time from home which allowed her to leave her full-time job of teaching 1st grade at the age of 25 years old.