Constant Knee Pain
Check out the results of my friend Melissa, she had constant knee pain and fatigue prior to starting! She has been a part of our Dynasty Strong Virtual Gym and doing workouts from home and seeing awesome results. Here’s the thing though. When you do a program with me I am going to ask that you take before pictures and measurements. You DO NOT have to share them with me but I DO want you to take them and save them somewhere safe and this is why. Melissa didn’t show me her pictures upon starting but this is the first time I am seeing them. She completed a program with me and shared all the benefits she was feeling but didn’t “notice” a difference. It wasn’t until she took her progress pictures and put them side-by-side with her before pictures that she realized just how far she has come. She is now doing a new program and we will be excited to share with you her newer pictures in 80 days!
“I started this journey to better my health not only for myself but for my children. At my heaviest weight (220 lbs) I was experiencing constant knee pain and sheer exhaustion. Some of my weight gain and exhaustion can be attributed to having three children, however I also did not have good eating habits and I was not as physically active after becoming a stay-at-home mom in 2014. Now with my workouts I am feeling amazing. I am no longer as tired as I was before beginning this journey in the Fall of 2017. I also do not dread getting dressed or having my picture taken as much as I did prior to these workouts and the Support group. I can for sure say that I am much more confident in my appearance although my journey is far from over! I will continue this journey not only to reach my overall goal but also to maintain this healthier lifestyle. I encourage others to do the same because life is so much better when you are healthy and living your best life”
If you are ready to have some accountability and the tools to achieve YOUR goals feel free to fill out this form and I will call you!