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Do I have to be fit to be a Beachbody Coach

Do I have to be fit to be a Beachbody Coach

Chelsea Noel

I want to share the result pictures of my friend and fellow coach Chelsea Noel.   She started in February of 2013 and has fallen in love with Team Beachbody and now feels like she has found a bigger purpose for her life.   Often times as a coach I get asked by my friends and clients, “Do I have to be fit to be a Beachbody Coach”?  My answer and what you will learn from Chelsea is that you do NOT have to be fit to become a Beachbody Coach.  It is important however that you are fully committed to your own health and personal development journey.  Just over 5 years I was in a similar place that Chelsea was.  I had fallen in love with P90X but had no idea that I could become a Team Beachbody Coach.  I had no idea what that meant and that I could become one myself.   Please take a couple minutes to read what Chelsea share with us to see how YOU as well can make some amazing changes in your life by doing simple easy to follow things every day.
Do I have to be fit to be a Beachbody Coach

results may vary

“I always knew about Team Beachbody programs without knowing they were actually Team Beachbody programs, if that makes sense. I tried T25 and P90x a few years ago through a friend who had the programs but never actually stuck with them. I could barely make it through a workout! Within the past year I really found out more about Team Beachbody and all that it entails through social media. I had several coaches contact me through Instagram and Facebook because of my previous success with WW. It wasn’t until my upline coach Ashley friended me on Facebook and shared her journey so openly that I really connected with her and began to consider coaching. I told her no so many times because I didn’t think I could help people if I wasn’t at my goal weight yet. She really took the time to get to know me and reassure me that anything was possible!

When reflecting on how I feel now as a Beachbody coach compared to before I started, I feel that my soul has been set on fire as cheesy as that may sound. I feel like a new and improved me! But for real, before I was a coach I would wake up late, rush to work with an overly caffeinated beverage in hand and go through the motions of daily life. I was exhausted and miserable. I dreaded going to the gym for hours after work each day and I was eating a bunch of processed foods. I knew there had to be a way to work smarter and not harder. I also knew that I wanted to be involved in something bigger and I truly wanted to help others, I just didn’t know how. Now as a coach, I start my day with a workout in my living room, listen to my personal development while I’m in the shower then head to work with my Butterfinger Shakeology in hand. This routine jump starts my day with the positivity and energy that allows me to help others. I also eat much much cleaner. I enjoy being a coach because I am not only accountable to myself but my team, challengers, and Beachbody as a whole. I am finally a part of something bigger and it feels amazing to be surrounded by so many inspirational people who are on the same mission. My life finally has a purpose again!

I’m continuing my journey because there is no such thing as the end. This is a lifestyle change and it’s never “over” I’m constantly working towards a new goal. I help others because I want them to know that anything is possible no matter what their goals are. I was 214.2lbs and now I’ve completed four half-marathons. It didn’t happen overnight but taking one small step at a time, celebrating little victories and you’ll be running the mile in no time! I used to be the girl so controlled by her anxiety and emotional eating and I know what it’s like to feel helpless and trapped. I know what it’s like to struggle with body image and self-doubt. I know what it’s like to feel run down and have not a clue as to what will make you feel better. I used to be overly medicated for my anxiety but I’ve fallen in love with my new medicine which is working out, Shakeology, clean eating, personal development and improving myself one day at a time. I share my story with others because I truly believe if you want something bad enough you can make it happen. You can also do anything you set your mind to. Dream Big.”

Are you like Chelsea and I where you LOVE these programs?  If so I want to invite you to learn how to become a Coach on our team!


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