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Do more Pull-ups

Courtney Bell

results may vary

It was Tony Horton’s program P90X that helped me personally lose 38lbs in 90 days and go from barely being able to do 3 pull-ups to being able to do more pull-ups, and by more pull-ups I mean 27 MORE.  I know so many girls who want to not be skinner but to be healthier and stronger as Mothers and women.  I want to share with you the results of my friend Courtney who in just the 60 day program with 22 Minutes a Day was able to get up to doing 15 pull-ups! If you are looking to get stronger and do more pull-ups I would HIGHLY suggest that you try this program out.


“I’m down 5lbs and 7.5 inches. My energy levels are HIGH and my ulcerative colitis is 100% under control which had been up and down all Fall causing me to be sluggish, irritable and uncomfortable. Oh, and I ROCKED 15 unassisted pull ups today during my fit test.”


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