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Does Insanity work? What is Team Beachbody?

Does Insanity work

I often times get asked, “Does Insanity work?”  By now almost everyone knows that I am that “fitness guy”  that talks about Beachbody workouts all the time.  What happens is my friends watch and infomercial, because they ignore what I am trying to help them do right….. Then they ask me.  Scottie!  I saw an infomercial, does Insanity work?  What about P90X?  What about Body Beast?   So then I get the opportunity to help them begin their own health and fitness journey.  You see, that is what a Team Beachbody Coach is.  We get to encourage people to follow through with these amazing workouts and help them get results.  As a result, Beachbody pays us.  Pretty cool right?  Anyhow, my friend Karen started Insanity 60 days ago and just completed the 60 day program and I am so proud to share her results with you.


results may vary

Okaaaayyy I am done with INSANITY woohoo!!!! After having Insanity collecting dust in a drawer for almost 2 years I finally finished. Thanks to my husband Abraham Gonzalez and my Beachbody team that pushed, motivated and supported me! Not only have I lost 9+ inches and 3 lbs, I have gained 6+ inches in the right places! I feel great, I have more energy, My skin is clearing perfectly, I’m eating and nourishing my body. Nope it wasnt a quick fix, no magic pills, no detox herbal tea, no wraps, no shots, no starving or skipping meals, it was all my determination, my sweat and pushing play everytime even though I had those lazy days where I didnt want to workout and wanted to eat the whole buffet. I kept at it! I know these programs are set up for your success and results! I didnt get to meet my abs yet but INSANITY was def the ice breaker for me and this is only the beginning!” – Karen
