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Finding Myself- Mum of Six in the UK T25 Progress pictures

Finding Myself

I am SO excited today to share the results of my friend Raven who is a mum of 6 living in the UK. Raven and Gav have been working out together from home and seeing awesome results.  This is only the first PHASE of T25 from Beachbody on Demand and Raven tells me she is super excited to complete the program and be able to show you the final results.   In a conversation we had on video chat with other members of our accountability group the common theme I am hearing is “I’m finding myself”.  As a Mother or Father it’s very easy to put YOURSELF on the back burner and put everyone else in front of you but I’m telling you, when you can put YOU and your health first, you’ll be much better at all other roles that you have in life.


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finding myself, find purpose

“I am a mum of 6 children 3 boys and 3 girls. The day I started it I was fat, tired, sore and sad, it was mainly out of pure frustration of being stuck in life that I pressed play and went all in. My life had become all about my husband, kids, washing, what we were having for dinner and sleep! Don`t get me wrong my family are my world and I love them to bits, but I had lost me, who had I become over the years??? I just didn`t know anymore.

team beachbody uk, uk team beachbody, uk beachbody on demand
My hubby is my rock, he has helped me push through some of the worst times, but this time I could only change from the inside out.
I was searching for other people who had got fit using T25 and came across Scottie & Gabby Hobbs. I contacted Scottie who told me about a Fitness and Accountably group he had.( [email protected])

finding myself, team beachbody , t25 uk, uk beachbody coach
YES put me in I thought! Once in the group the motivation poured though, the kindness and most of all the support of people in there, was astounding!   One day at time, one workout at a time, and one meal at a time. With the support from what I now call my fitness family I am pushing through, I am becoming me again.

finding myself, team beachbody uk, shaun T uk, uk shaun t
One of the best things that have come from me finding myself through health and fitness is that I am alive, really living and loving life, and so is my family, some of us even workout together!

finding myself, uk beachbody coach, beachbody coach uk
I will never go back to how it was before; will I have failures? YES! Will I muck up? YES! Will I let it stop me moving forward? NO!
My mission now is to help anyone I can to feel better, to stay motivated and get fit, happy and healthy and to just start being there best self as a Team Beachbody Coach.”

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