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Happiness |

For 12 straight years I’ve set goals of reading books, listening to audios, and going to events focused on human nature, happiness, and potential. Almost daily I’m discussing those ideas on team calls with our partners and speaking at events all over the world in front of thousands of people.

Let’s talk about something called Happiness.

You continue to wallow in your self-pity because according to you, you have a tougher life or circumstance than the other 7 billion people on this earth.

You’re sleeping in, showing up late, thinking only of yourself, and complaining how life isn’t going in the right direction for you or how people/a job/a company have “screwed you over.”

You continue to judge others… what they do…. what they wear… how they act… and how this “thing” they are doing can’t possibly work or it’s not the “right way” to build a life.

You’d rather be RIGHT than open.

You keep blaming others, your past, your spouse, your kids, and the decisions YOU made for the life you lead now and where you are.

So in the meantime I’m going to be over here taking 100% responsibility for everything in my life. I’ll make the mistakes, I’ll own up to them, I’ll learn from them, I’ll support others in their own courageous decisions, I’ll support them whether they buy from me or not…and I’ll be LOVING on people rather than JUDGING them.

Then I’m going to surround myself with those same people. Our Level Up Squad.

Want to know who wins? (I’ll let you figure that one out.)

Every time you gossip, are negative, speak poorly of, and judge others like its your calling and responsibility … you are shining the brightest and strongest light on yourself for the rest of the world to see how unhappy and small you are playing and how you feel about YOU…not them.

I don’t have even a few minutes for that crap. My family, friends, and future are so important to me that I will never allow you to take up space in my mind and heart

But I also want you to know…

I’ll be the FIRST to extend my hand to you if you are open to growth…because that’s abundance and what we, in this world, need more of from EACH OTHER.

Stop shining a light on your insecurities…we all see it. And start shining the light on others…it won’t dim yours and will most likely brighten up whatever darkness you are going through.


I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at

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