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healthier for kids |

Healthier for kids

Alysa Myer

I am BLOWN away by the results of Alysa Myer. She is a mom with 2 kids that have medical issues so she really wanted to be able to be healthy for THEM.   Have you wanted to be healthier for your kids? Her most important role in life is to be a Mother and so she didn’t want to be the mom who just sits on the couch, she wanted to be able to play with the kids!


results may vary

“The biggest challenge I faced was more mental than physical for me. I had to strengthen my mind first to become successful in my programs and lifestyle change. I had to start loving my body, stop worrying what others thought about me, and start focusing on what makes me happy. That’s just what I did. I cut out those people that let me down or brought me down. I started reading personal development books and educating myself on how to be happy. I just did what it took each day as it came, and kept pushing. I stayed dedicated to my programs (never missing a day), kept up with my eating, and had myself believe that I can do this. So I believed: dedicate, succeed, and conquer!”

If you have felt like Alysa before and are ready to makes some changes please let me know your goals and what you want so that we can you start taking those daily steps in the right directions. CONTACT ME