I am Team Beachbody
You may have seen the movement called, “I am Team Beachbody” BLOWING up your instagram, snapchat, and Facebook newsfeed over the past week and so I wanted to give you a little background on this movement and WHY you will see Team Beachbody Coaches doing this. My friend and fellow Beachbody Coach Cab member shared what she was doing to build team culture with the #iamteambeachbody on the stories of WHY coaches are doing what they are doing and we are showing the world what we stand for. She shared with us,
“When Becky and I started building our Team way back when and realized that building culture and unity was the way to WIN at this business, we would do these social media blast days where our entire team was encouraged to post on a specific topic – i.e. What Shakeology does for them. Why they Coach. etc. It was so fun, got lots of attention, and empowered new Coaches to share share share.TODAY we brought it back and are doing a I AM TEAM BEACHBODY campaign and flooding social media with WHY we are TBB Coaches. It’s already started and its our way of saying WE ARE STRONGER THAN EVER! Let’s take back the attention and showcase WHY we are the most special.”
MY invite to YOU today is to JOIN us in flooding the world with Why I am Team Beachbody coach posts
Here is my #IAMTEAMBEACHBODY post along with just a few from our team. Feel free to search the hashtag on instagram and Facebook to read and be inspired by thousands of stories
Scottie Hobbs
It was April 11th 2011, 18 days after the birth of our 3rd daughter Elina that I was sitting in a cubicle before work started, going through our mail. I opened the hospital bill, the Baby Doctor bill, the Anesthesiologist bill, and a few others.
I was working 10-12 hours a day and Gabby worked nights. But she was home with the new baby and we had to make that decision.
Does she go back? Do I get another job ? Do we pay more for a baby sitter for 3 kids now?
I remember this day as if it was yesterday and I was spinning. I felt like I was drowning and I was afraid.
I am grateful for that day because it’s the day that my fear of knowing how to take care of my family became greater than my fear of failing as a Team Beachbody coach and so I joined Team Beachbody after playing with the idea for 8 months. The programs CHANGED my life and helped me lose 38lbs!
I had no smart phone. No internet in my home. No laptop. No extra money to sign up and what would seem like no spare time. What I did have was a HUGE REASON or WHY.
🔥I would do whatever it took to bring my wife home from work and not have to take every overtime hour available just to “make it”
I realized this was my calling in life 8 months into my journey. I had been home sick with the “man cold” for 3 days. It was a Friday afternoon and my wife said to me, “Scottie” you should go get Kina from the school bus, it will help you feel better to get out”
I showered, got dressed, and started walking tword the bus stop. I was half way down the cup-da-sac when the bus pulled up and came to a stop. The doors opened and these two little hands of a 5 year old girl grabbed the handrails and looked up to see her Daddy. She smiled bigger than I had ever seen and it immediately brought me to tears. How many moments like this had I missed? How many would I continue to miss if I don’t change our situation. It was that afternoon that I was called to a greater purpose. I realized that I too, wanted to work from home and never miss another day of their lives. I also realized that if this ex-drug Addict and college dropout could do it, I could inspire and motivate others as well to accomplish whatever it is that they want out of their lives.
Today I feel blessed without fear and working from home, as we continue to build our legacy with heart led passionate people and a company built on integrity. I AM TEAM BEACHBODY
Brigitte LInford
Five years ago I made the choice to live outside of ME.
You see, I had this mental struggle going on. I had lost 35 lbs by doing P90X & drinking Shakeology & eating clean.
> Part of me wanted to shout it from the rooftops! 🗣 People were asking me what I was doing and I WANTED to spread the good news.
& yet……
> Part of me was thinking, why does it matter if I share what has worked for me? If someone wants to change their life and get healthy they will, they don’t need me, they will figure it out on their own.
I listened to that second voice for 4 1/2 months. 😞
But then I was humbled, in a big way. 💡 I was reading a talk from one of my church leaders where he shared HIS hesitations being called as a General Authority for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He said he felt so unqualified because his family growing up wasn’t active in the church. But how he had come to realize it was BECAUSE of that experience growing up that he was called to this position, not in spite of it.
Chills went up my body. ⚡️And I KNEW, God was speaking to me about this opportunity.
That laundry list of excuses I was giving myself NOT to do this? I was being guided to this position BECAUSE of my experiences, not in spite of them. I •had• to do this.
In that moment I KNEW, like KNEW with every fiber of my being, that there were people God wanted ME to help, people that NO ONE ELSE could reach. It was the most overwhelming all encompassing feeling.
The idea of someone not getting THEIR chance for a better healthier life because I was too selfish & scared to open my mouth was too much for me to handle.
That very day I signed up as a coach.
I bargained with God. “Okay, I’ll do this. But if you want me to do this and help certain people you BETTER help me out every step of the way.” Pretty bold on my part 😳…. but God has done just that.
I coach. I help people. I show them products that are the BEST products out there, comparable to NONE. Products that legitimately CHANGE people’s lives and add legit value. And I get to know my clients & coaches so I can show them how to move past the roadblocks in their life & get to THEIR true self; the person God created them to be.
#IAmTeamBeachbody. And every aspect of MY life is forever changed for the better because of it; along with countless others.
It’s humbling, fulfilling, & rewarding. Not many jobs can be described in that way. 😉 SO SO GRATEFUL.
Nina Walker
I have options. I could sell MANY products and represent many companies. I use products from other direct sales companies. So why did I choose Beachbody?
💙 I wanted to make a bigger impact with customers and not just sale and move on to the next. Personally I love coaching because my job starts when someone orders. I get to help them reach their goals and see them transform through my challenge groups. I love being a part of that process that literally changes lives. The products work so well and so I’m there to help someone see it though and get their health back. Because health is so important to ALL of us!
💙 I love that I’m not having to store products, host parties or classes, or ship products to people. Personally that amount of busy work never appealed to me. I know some love it but I’m way happier to let Beachbody handle all that stuff. It gives me more freedom with my TIME!
💙 Beachbody’s compensation plan is ridiculously lucrative without having to be super retail heavy. I don’t have to sell mass amounts of shakeology or fitness programs to make a living. The network marketing structure is such that when one of us succeeds on my team, we all do. And so pretty quickly Beachbody changed my life financially and has continued to be very stable upward growth of residual income. That’s been invaluable at times when I had to step back from lots of sales to take care of other priorities. LIFE CHANGING!
💙And my favorite part? It’s changed ME. Who I am has come out to shine!!! And I’ve made the most amazing friends EVER! People who uplift and inspire and collaborate with me. In my own personal development I’ve grown leaps and bounds. Ya, I’ve had to or else I wouldn’t have had any success! In order to step up for other’s, I had to step up for myself first. Talk about ultimate accountability! I’ve learned to make my emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health my top priority.
So there you have it! Those are my main reasons. And I have three more reasons named Travis, Alma, and Holden. ❤️
❤️ And ya, I could totally continue on but I’ll just leave it at this. I bleed Beachbody BLUE and am forever grateful God brought this into my life!!!!
Beachbody is the BEST! #iamteambeachbody
I am a stepmom to three and a wife to my best friend and biggest cheerleader in this life and a grandma to two perfect beautiful little boys!
I am a daughter to a set of amazing parents that inspired me every day with thier strength and passion for each other and thier kids and a big sister to the best sisters and brother a girl could ask for. My family grounds me and supports and loves me for me!
I am the daughter in law to a Mother in Law that amazes me every day with her strength!
I am the Auntie to the greatest group of young nieces and nephews ever and actually a great Auntie to 2 of the prettiest Lil girls… these kids are so inspiring and are the best kids a Auntie could ask for!!!
I am the best friend to an amazing group of girls who have supported each other through lives up and downs for seriously 30 years now
I am a woman on a journey to save her life and lose over half of herself doing so… I am half way there and ready to take on the next 100 pounds to get myself to a goal of 200 pounds down!
I am a strong woman that has lost 100 pounds, lost all her diabetic meds, her blood pressure meds, her cholesterol meds, who fights every day with PCOS and with Asthma and has gained part of her life back from some debilitating diseases that could have robbed me from so much of my future!
I am a inspiration to many in this life on this journey to healthy and it blows my mind just how many people I have inspired and moved with my story in the past 5 years to healthy !
I am a strong woman that has an amazing coach who works hard every day to help me to stay on track and striving for more in my business and in my healthy journey every day!
I am a Beachbody Coach that is changing lives every day with a total solution to your health and fitness needs and a strong inspiring leader to a team of coaches leading with their whole hearts to do the same!
🙋 Because I was called a Fat Kid through my teenage years
🙋 Because I had difficulty getting pregnant
🙋 Because I’m a recovering food addict
🙋 Because my body was able to get back into shape 6 weeks postpartum after both childbirths
🙋 Because I experienced uncomfortable pain from hip bursitis and knee osteoarthritis
🙋 Because I am stronger physically , emotional, spiritually and mentally
🙋Because I have learned how to be more conscious of the food my family and I consume
🙋 Because I know my family is getting their daily dose of dense nutrition
🙋 Because I never imagined I can continue to be in the best shape of my life in my mid-40s
🙋 Because there is someone out there who I am inspiring who is experiencing the same things as I am
🙋 Because I have developed lifelong friendships and alliances with like minded individuals
🙋 Because the big scary goals dreams I have and daily actions will ensure the future of my children
🙋 Because I can stream my workouts with me wherever I go
🙋 Because I am a coach and I love what I do
The photo on the left is just over a year ago. That was me, 5ft 6, 178 pounds and unhappy with myself!
Life before my journey is one probably not much difference than a lot of you guys. I had a pretty normal childhood. I was a pretty active kid, football,baseball,wrestling, track and field. I have never been confident in myself. Always trying to fit in, never really knew who I was. This was me all thru Jr high and high school.
After high school all I did worked, never finished college, just worked. Thats what i thought i was supposed to do. I worked a bunch of jobs, parts countryman, journeyman heating tech, construction, copy machine delivery and set Up, masonry, and currently automotive tech. I’ve always had a good work ethic, never afraid of hard work.
I saw my best friend Scottie Hobbs doing this beachbody thing. Yes he came to me with it not long after he started. Like most people I thought no way I am not getting into the pyramid scheme. I told him no, and to be honest I blocked him and did not want to see his success.
Fast forward 4 years cause nothing changed in the 4 years between his first invite to me.. one day I unblocked Scottie, and sent him a message. Simply put all the message said was I need help. A week later we were having lunch and talking about goals and reconnecting. Honestly the day that changed my families life. I left that lunch still confused and wondering what to do. Our family is not making a lot of money. So I had to figure it out, luckily I have a great coach and friend. He wanted to show me I could do the programs and that they worked. He and his wife Gabby Sanabria Hobbs let us barrow the 21 day fix extreme, and the weights we would need. So me and my wife started right away. I was down 30 pounds in the first round we did. We did 2 more rounds and I had great results. Total I lost 42 pounds and went from 36 waist to a 28 inch waist.
So September of 2015 i signed up as a coach. I made the budget work to afford it. Yea it took sacrifices, and it was not easy. We made it work, when it comes down to our health we need to make sacrifices. Hey if you don’t have your health then what do Have?
I am never gonna quit. It’s a journey not a race, and it’s my race I have control of it. That’s why #IAMTEAMBEACHBODY
I truly believe in miracles. I suffered from major depressive disorder since I was about fifteen years old. I was bulimic and anorexic and attempted suicide twice all before I reached twenty. Somehow, I made it through nursing school and have been a nurse for 24 years. I was married twice and divorced twice. After my second divorce, I had become more depressed than ever before. I remember telling my mom that I just didn’t feel like I belonged here. I isolated myself and drank every night for almost two years. It was the only thing that took the edge off. I had been going to therapy and was seeing a psychiatrist but nothing helped. I was strongly considering electrical shock therapy to treat my depression. One day my best friend gave the DVD called “Curing Depression.” I reluctantly watched it, thinking I knew everything there was to know about depression and that I was a hopeless case. I was wrong. I learned about a genetic disorder that I might have and that it was treatable. Now to find the doctor who would order this test. I went to my doctor and had a list of tests I wanted her to do but she chose to check me for MTHFR gene mutation. I guess she did it because I told her, “I am 40 years old and I refuse to live the rest of my life this way. I just won’t.” I meant it too. I had written suicide letters and apologies to my mom making sure she knew how much I loved her but to know that I am in a better place.
The test came back positive! I had something physically wrong with me that could be treated. I had a glimmer of hope for the first time in what seemed like forever. I was started on specific supplements for my genetic disorder, removed sugar from my diet and flour (I have celiac disease so I stopped eating gluten in 2008) and stopped drinking. After about two months my depression had improved about 70%. I couldn’t believe it. I no longer needed antidepressants, not like they helped, and was able to start exercising again. I’ve always been into health and fitness but with my depression I didn’t care anymore. I weighed the most I had ever weighed in my life and felt uncomfortable in my own skin. Because I was used to being alone and felt like a tub of lard I started working out in my apartment. I continued to improve and eventually lost 32 pounds to date.
The game changer was when I started doing a new exercise program called CIZE in my apartment. It is a hip hop dance workout. I grew up doing ballet and other forms of dance and didn’t realize how much I had missed it. I literally cried tears of joy. I also performed for my sister and my mom. It was like I was a kid again. Then my sister invited me to take a CIZE class at her church. It is called CIZE Live. So, we took classes for a while together until… I became certified to teach it myself. Can you believe it! I mean, that is huge! From isolating myself to the notion of teaching a group fitness class. Holy cow! My confidence slowly improved and is still a work in progress.
Shortly after being certified to teach CIZE I became a health and wellness coach through a company called Beachbody, the maker of the CIZE DVDs. Then I became certified in another exercise format that is inspired by Pilates and Yoga (Piyo). I love to help people. What if I could help people through showing them how to eat healthy and exercise? What if I could help someone that is going through what I had gone through? I started drinking the awesome nutrition shake from Beachbody and my mood improved even more. I have been able to come off my two blood pressure medications and lost another 8 pounds without doing anything different but adding the shakes. I have learned that when one’s body gets what it needs it sheds the excess and is able to perform at its optimum. I have held several online groups to help people with the programs Beachbody offers through motivation, inspiration and knowledge. My prayer is for everyone to feel like they belong and for them to know they are worth it and are living for a purpose.
I decided to become a coach because I still longed for that sense of belonging. I saw how the other coaches on my team behaved and loved their positive energy and suddenly got F.O.M.O (fear of missing out). I signed up to be a coach with the intent to help as many people as possible through preventative health and fitness and to help people feel great about themselves. If it happened to me without a coach then surely it can happen for others with a one. I have been blessed with this opportunity to help others doing what I love to do and the knowledge that I belong to something great. I have learned so much since I became a coach about life. One thing I have learned is that through persistence, commitment and consistency results are sure to follow. I am still a full time, sometimes more than full time, nurse doing Home Health. I see daily how unhealthy eating and lack of exercise has affected people negatively leading them to have little quality of life. I want to be part of the movement that stops the trend of obesity and all the misery it brings. I want to bring health and wellness to people and motivate them to get in the best shape of their lives. There are no words to describe how wonderful it feels to hear someone say, “Thank you for getting me involved in your group. I lost 6 pounds in one week. You are such an inspiration.” Who me? Yes me! It is a miracle from God!
I hold a virtual health and fitness group each month through an app provided to you on your phone, tablet or computer. It incorporates a fitness program of your choice which I will help you choose based on your health and fitness goals, a meal replacement super-duper, nutrition dense shake, portion control meal planning containers, recipes and a free coach, me. My groups have the missing link that causes most people to struggle or stay committed to what they have set out to do. That link is accountability to someone else. This isn’t a quick fix diet program. In fact, it isn’t about dieting at all. It is about a lifestyle choice that takes commitment and persistence. It’s also about getting healthy on the inside and out. I would love to help you on your journey to better health. Who knows, maybe you might even decide to be a coach on my team. Teamwork makes the dream work!
Through all of this I now know that all the prayers said by my mom and family have been answered. I know what it’s like to have no quality of life. I know the feeling of hopelessness, loneliness, and feeling worthless. I also know what it’s like to live with purpose, know I indeed do belong and to feel what happiness is. I now set goals and intend on accomplishing all of them and know I can do it and will. After all, I went from just existing to living.