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I Am Team Beachbody Paola Ramirez Beachbody Coach Success Story

Paola Ramirez

2 years ago I was a mess, most didn’t know it but I was breaking inside…Before Beachbody came into my life I didn’t know I was capable of inspiring anyone ! I mean i was overweight, a college drop out, in debt, living paycheck to paycheck , depressed & full of ANXIETY, a new mom with a million new responsibilities and I felt STUCK, depressed, unhappy and couldn’t see what the future had in store for me and my family, I truly would sit and think “is this it?!” 😔This just can’t be it !!!! .
So when I share Shakeology, my challenge groups, fitness & nutrición with people, I share it because it’s my PASSION! Because …Yes, A shake and a fitness program CHANGED my life! Gave me purpose, it has giving me & my family a chance to a better future ! & NOW I GET TO CHANGE LIVES, pay it forward ! & I am so blessed to have the opportunity TO BE a #TeamBeachbodyCoach & partner up with a company that is full of integrity and who’s Number 1 mission is to HELP people ! Is it scary to share my life ? My weak moments and be vulnerable? ! It sure as heck is !!! BUT I WOULD do it over and over again! I do it for ME, my family, for that mom who can’t look in the mirror, for that mom who won’t post a picture of her with her kids because of insecurities, for that family who is struggling with diabetes and health issues! & for that family who lives pay check to paycheck like we once did! For them to see that THERE IS A WAY OUT OF YOUR SITUATION ! Because you know what’s scarier Than going for it and failing ?! Looking back and thinking “what if”?! .
I am currently in love with #brenebrown ,#thepowerofvulnerability ! Many see vulnerability as “weakness” i see it as being BRAVE!‼️! 💕 I share because I want to change lives !
#iamteambeachbody 👈🏼AND PROUD OF IT! Because it • gave me purpose • saved my family • got me healthy & truly saved my LIFE#beachbodychangedmylife //

Check out this amazing movement that I am a part of and read the stories that make this company amazing 👉🏼click on #IAmTeamBeachbody