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I Love Getting Out of Bed in the Morning- Working out from HOME

I Love Getting Out of Bed in the Morning

I was having a conversation with my beautiful wife Gabby on the flight home from Phoenix just a couple of days ago.  I was sharing how in this career of helping people transform their lives mentally, physically, and spiritually I am so in love with what I do that I always feel I don’t have enough time in the day to do everything that I want to do with my work.  Every other job that I have had I have dread. I look at the clock and it moves so slowly.  This is different and has been like this for 7 years now.  I’m taking these 15 minutes to share the journey and progress of Laura before I get on a video chat with our team of coaches.  I love getting out of bed in the morning, knowing that what I am doing really matters and makes a difference. It’s special.

I can't wait to get out of bed


“I started because I needed something for myself with raising 3 kids ages 5 and under.  I had lost myself and I had gained about 50 lbs. I was tired all the time and I wasn’t enjoying my life and I really wanted that to change. Since beginning my journey I’ve gained so much more energy and I’m exponentially happier. I have a better mindset when it comes to life in general and I love getting out of bed in the morning again. I will always continue because it recharges my battery and makes everything else easier because I’m stronger and I know it.”