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I Own P90X - Where do I start?

I Own P90X

Dustin Cude

Did you know that I was one of those people who owned P90X and had never started it because it seemed a little scary? That’s right, but that all changed for me on May 10th 2012, my Day 1 of the P90X program.  Maybe you landed on this page because you have said to yourself, “I own P90X but don’t know where to begin.”  If that is you, I challenge you to start.  Don’t be afraid, realize that you don’t have to keep up with the guys on the dvd’s.  You will “Do your best and forget the rest.”  The are many people just like YOU and me who may have a Beachbody workout at home and just haven’t had the motivation to start it.  That is why I want to share Dustin’s results with you. These are his before and after pictures with P90X but what is even more neat is the fact that he also inspired his wife to begin the journey with him.  Dustin started at 179lbs and now weighs 145lbs.


results may vary

Dustin goes on to share the follow below-

day_1_p90xThis is Dustin’s wife Hollie.  She started at 169lbs and now weighs 132lbs.  We are so impressed and inspired by your transformations. ” A family that works our together, stays together”



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