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My Best Possible Life | Beachbody on Demand |

My Best Possible Life

My mission is Empowering others to continually develop into their fullest potential.   When I get emails like this where my friend Melissa tells me that “I am living my best possible life”. I know that I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing with my life.  I have been thinking a lot about why our team is CRUSHING it and why others struggle.  Did you know that our minds can identify in 33 milliseconds the emotion of another human and then prime us to feel the same. NOW that is quick. Here’s the tricky part.  That is done subconsciously and then consciously we asses the moods around us and then act accordingly, causing emotions to jump from one person to the next.  So, whoever is the most emotionally expressive in the room will most likely transfer his or her mood to the others in just two minutes.

“Like Second hand smoke, the leakage of emotions can make a bystander an innocent casualty of someone else’s toxic state.” Daniel Goldman

This means that when we feel anxious or adopt a negative mindset, these feelings will start to enter into every interaction we have, whether we like it or not.  So on the other hand. If there is somebody in your life that you’re trying to help, the opposite rings true. Adopting a positive mindset, full of gratitude, and happy countenance will positively help those around you.

my best possible life, my mission statement, dynasty strong

” I started after I had my third baby (who is now turning one in two weeks). I used to work full time in retail for 13 years so my body was so used to being on the move everyday all day. In 2014 I became a stay at home mom to our 3 year old daughter and had my second baby girl shortly there after. I noticed then that I started gaining weight and was no longer active as much as I was when working out of the home. Fast forward to 2017 and a third baby girl I was pushing 225 and needing a change. I could tell my whole body and mind needed a makeover and that needed to start with focusing on myself at some point during the day. This lead to signing up for BeachBody on Demand and meeting the best coach ever. There’s no pressure but there’s follow up and accountability and that’s truly helped me change my lifestyle.
I feel amazing now verses a year ago. I have gained some of my self confidence back ( i.e. the full body picture in a bathing suit for the first time in years). I have more energy to play with my babies and more motivation to work out and eat right. I am not longer as tired as I used to be.
 I will continue this journey not only for myself but for my children. This journey has been nothing short of amazing. As moms in today’s society we get so sidetracked in the everyday activities of children and household work that we forget to take care of ourselves too. Just giving myself one hour a day for the last ten months has completely put me back on track to living my best possible life. My children need to see this everyday to show them the importance of eating right, exercising daily, being body positive.”
I can’t thank you enough Scottie for helping me out of my funk and into a whole new way of life. I will continue to share my results with you as I push through more workouts.