No Longer Sad Every Day
results may vary
Krista DonovanI want to give a HUGE shout out to my friend Krista for the transformation that she is creating in her life. She recently faced some big trials in her life and was feeling sick and sad every single day. She made the commitment to start and finish one of my favorite programs called Body Beast. Below you will see Krista’s results with the program but more importantly see how it is changing her primarily from the inside. I want you to know that many of us struggle with knowing where to find help and healing and often times we turn to poor choices and vices. We can show you a better way by learning to love yourself and to take care of your health and your body. You don’t have to be sad every day. There is a solution.
Learn how to stream ALL the Beachbody workouts
“2016 was a very hard year for me, my marriage ended in divorce, I quickly jumped into another relationship and that ended as well. I found myself depressed, turning to food and alcohol to cope with the pain. Until I realized I was tired of feeling sick and sad everyday… I decided to start this program because I wanted to be a better mom for my kids, they were hurting because of our divorce and I wanted to show them that even in hard times we can be happy and healthy!
After starting my program I feel amazing! I have self esteem again, self confidence, and my energy levels are through the roof! I used to roll out of bed in the morning, grumpy… But now I’ve crushed my workout before my kids even wake up and I’m excited to start our day!
3. This is definitely a lifestyle, not a fad! I want others to feel as good as I do and be encouraged! It’s not always easy, but it’s most definitely worth it and we ALL deserve to feel good from the inside out!”