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P90X for Men- Troy Kipe P90X Transformation

 P90X for Men

Troy Kipe

The thing I love about this transformation is that there are being lives touched and changed by the decision of Jeff and Troy Kipe to share their passion for P90X and other Beachbody workouts.  These two men have actually started a P90X for Men Fit Club in their church where they get to meet and workout together to help hold each other accountable.  Troy has a passion for helping others and has been doing an amazing job on his own P90X journey.  I look forward to meeting him and Jeff at next year’s Beachbody Summit in Las Vegas!

“Scottie I would like to thank you and you wife for being such great and wonderful people. I started the journey after the death of my mother. In the photo I sent you of day one, people around me would tell me that I looked ok or I didn’t need to loose weight, well they were wrong!!! I would like to thank a lot of people but time wont let me. I push play every day and strive to change the trend of obesity. I have a great Family this all started with my uncle Jeff and the two of us are out to change the way our families live. This has started a snow ball effect in my family everyone is doing a BB workout. I also want to thank my SFF Group, without the tips and encouragement this would be a harder hill to climb. A BIG THANKS TO EVERYONE!!!! Keep pushing play!!!!”

1-2-12 through 7-25-12 P90X for Men

results may vary

I’m proud of your P90X for Men Fit Club and look forward to seeing the number of lives that you can change with your transformation and passion.  If P90X is your Passion and would like to help others like Jeff and Troy are doing feel free to CONTACT ME

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