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Quit Taking Medications- How Beachbody on Demand and Beachbody helped me

Quit Taking Medications

This is why I do what I do. A post from my friend Lore Mendez this morning.  Lore has completely transformed her body with Beachbody workouts using Beachbody on Demand which gives you access to EVERY Beachbody workout for only $99 a year.  She has become a coach and is helping others live a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle as a passion in her life.  But what I love about seeing this post from her this morning is that we often times overlook the more important reason behind health and fitness.  It’s NOT just about having six pack abs or the ideal body.  It’s about what is happening to our bodies on the inside.  What she shares with us below is so important for us to realize and if you are out there and want to quit taking medications, please know that we have a solution.  It doesn’t have to be with Team Beachbody, it can be ANY form of staying active and making healthier food choices.  What I DO know is that Beachbody has an easy solution for YOU to use from your home where you can be the example to your children so that they create the habits that they will need to be healthier throughout their lives.

‼️‼️‼️🚨MEDICAL ALERT 🚨‼️‼️‼️‼️


“quit taking medications”quit-taking-medications, stop taking medicine, stop taking pills

“A few weeks ago I went to a gastroenterologist to check my digestive system; I had a gastritis that likes to show up every now and then to remind me it’s there. I used to take medications to control it….
so last week Dr called me and I was nervous honestly, it’s been 2 years and plus since I didn’t check it and over 2 years while I was going trough my divorce for 4 months my meals consist on my shakeology and a bottle of wine per day until one day I stoped it for very strong and personal reasons. But I was afraid my liver got affected. And yes my life changed when I joined Beachbody, I became more healthy, work every day, and try to read/ listen many books as I can.
So…. Dr tells me my liver function is normal as all the hormones the liver secret as well, my blood test is normal, perfect he said; and my gastritis is still in REMISSION 😊😊☺️☺️☺️

quit-taking-medications, stop taking medicine, get off pills

It’s been 2 years, as you can see on the medication container, since I don’t take any medication because I stop it and didn’t even finish the one I had; and I’m able to manage my depression without medication either……

When people tells me why I’m a Beachbody coach I tell them, because I want to be healthy, I want to encourage other people to live a happy and medication free life and enjoy simple things every day with their loves one!!!!
*Results Vary*


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