Social media can be both GOOD and BAD. You’ve probably seen Social Media Beachbody Coaches as well as a ton of other things. I often hear about people complaining about how toxic social media is or how negative it can be. I honestly haven’t really experienced that because I do not follow accounts that do not align with my values or goals. Do you know what I love….. The fact that when I log into Facebook or Instagram I see people that are positive, optimistic, and working on their health, fitness, life, spiritual, and financial goals.
It brings me energy and reminds me of the importance of our mission and purpose as coaches on this team. We are empowering others to continually develop into their fullest potential. We are ending the Trend of Obesity. We are creating the most sustainable and reliable source of income from the HOME.
Did you know that the MAJORITY of our successful coaches don’t start because they want to be in a network marketing company or make a bunch of money?
They start because they need a solution to their OWN health and fitness goals. That’s how my friend Vera Chatwin Murphy got started a couple of years ago after the birth of her second baby. Once she started seeing results and felt the support of a community, she couldn’t help but PAY it forward to others as a coach.

This is literally the first picture I saw when I opened up my Facebook this morning to check in with our clients who working on their workouts and meal plans.
You will become like the 5 people that you most spend time with. Be intentional with where you spend your time and who you spend your time with if you are serious about achieving your goals this year. I believe in you my friend and want you to know that there is ROOM for you in our team