I want to give a shout out to my buddy Jake in the UK who has been participating in our UK Beachbody Challenge Group that we call our fitness and Accountability group. The goal and purpose of the group is to provide accountability to help each other achieve our goals of living a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle. The UK Beachbody Challenge group has been operating for 4 months and Jake has lost 18 lbs. What I loved most about Jake’s story is that he shared with me how he couldn’t run a 1K without stopping prior to joining the UK Beachbody Challenge group and now he can run a 5K in under 25 minutes. He has done Focus T25 and Shaun Week from his Beachbody on Demand account.
“I started with Beachbody when I looked in the mirror and felt severely unhappy with my body after 10 years of little to no exercise. I felt like a middle aged man at the age of 30 and hated that, so I decided to take control over my fitness and image.
Before my workouts I felt heavy and lethargic a lot of the time. I was forgetful and found it difficult to concentrate on things in work and at home. My workouts are helping me to destress. I seem to have more energy. I prefer the way I look and that gives me self-confidence. They say ‘healthy body, healthy mind’ and since starting my journey I feel so much more galvanised about all aspects of life.
I still haven’t reached my goals, and I don’t intend to finish once I do. I don’t believe that there is a ‘finish line’ for me. My goals will keep evolving as I hit each milestone and I’ve proved to myself that I can reach these goals! It makes me wonder how far I can go. I feel like I’m proof that ANYONE change their fitness with a little focus and determination. The key is making a habit of exercise. Making it part of your day like getting dressed or brushing your teeth is. That way you negate the feeling of not wanting to work out. That’s what I’ve learnt and what I why will convey to others who are struggling.