by Scottie | Dec 24, 2015 | Males, Over the Top Transformations
I want my life back Andrew Peloquin I want my LIFE BACK! This is how I felt just 5 years ago as I was sitting in my cubicle working overtime hours to make sure that our mortgage was paid on time. Who would of thought that finding a Beachbody workout was the answer...
by Scottie | Dec 18, 2015 | Females, Over the Top Transformations
Before Beachbody LaRee Saunders One of my favorite parts of being a Beachbody Coach is hearing and recapping the stories of what it was like before Beachbody for my friends. I have seen MASSIVE changes in the lives of friends because they have made the decision to...
by Scottie | Dec 17, 2015 | Blog, Scottie Thoughts, Scotties's Tips
Beachbody CAB I know I had no clue a few years ago what Beachbody CAB was so I want to share with you! (C.A.B) The C.A.B, Team Beachbody Coach Advisory Board consists of EIGHT coaches who will be the voice and represent all 400,000+ coaches in the network across the...
by Scottie | Dec 17, 2015 | Blog, Scottie Thoughts
Jim Rohn Why Not Now Taken from Jim Rohn Speech, “Why not now” “I want you to ponder these 4 questions, the 1st question to ponder when you go home is WHY. Why go this far? Why try to learn this much? Why study? Why try to put yourself out? Why...
by Scottie | Dec 15, 2015 | Blog, Scottie Thoughts
Importance of Reading I often get asked questions similar to this. What is the importance of reading? How does that relate to Leadership? What else can I do to become a better leader. The answer is READ. Then READ some more. Now I am not a HUGE fan of reading but I...