Afford a Vacation
As I sit here in Mexico Rivera relaxing in the resort suite working on healing this sunburn from yesterday’s beach excursion I am reflecting on many things that I want to share with you this week. Today I will share with you how to afford a vacation, my thoughts after finishing 80 Day Obsession today, a few messages from our clients, and the story of a member of our coaching team that had her first $2,000 week pay check for helping OTHERS get healthy and fit.
I have a story
I spent weeks on Priceline and other sites looking for a good deal that we could afford. We had set a goal to go on a cruise every year.
This one happened to be 2010.
We would pick the cheapest date available and it wasn’t an option to go when we wanted to go. If we found a price at under $400 a person we would book it and spend the next 5-6 months planning and working out every detail of how the trip would work and how we could afford to EAT once we actually got to the ports and so forth. This is the only way we could afford a vacation. We literally would pack bananas and other fruits from the buffet into our backpacks when we would land at the islands because we didn’t have extra money to buy lunches at port.
One time we did this snorkeling excursion I booked online. It was about $30 a piece and we had a blast but our budget was so tight that when we were done in the water, we decided to walk back to the ship which looked to be about a “mile or two” down the Beach to save the $10 taxi ride.
After about one mile and 30 minutes of walking the ship still looked the same distance. It was about 7 miles. We ran and ran and ran in flip flops and we were the last to board the ship, almost getting left behind in Mexico with $50 and no passports. It was one of the hardest things I had ever done and we were sunburnt and had blisters all over our feet.
Why? Because that $10 taxi fare was not in our budget.
It’s crazy to think back on those days. Waiting an entire year to take that vacation and then having to stress about not getting sick the rest of the year because we had only so many “paid vacation days”
Gabby and I just got back from 3 days in Alberta Canada ( flying back on a BIG jet with just the two pilots, two attendants, and just US (Pretty much a private charter for free) and now we’re on day 3 in Mexico with 5 more days ahead of us here in this tropical paradise with FRIENDS. The 5 days we have left are completely paid for by our company as a reward trip for helping 3 people start their health and fitness journey every month last year. This is the 6 FREE annual trip for us. I can teach you how to earn these.
One thing you’ll notice is that I won’t be on “vacation” because when you love what you do, you’ll never work another day in your life.
But hey, I feel you. I’ve been there and it was a quote I heard that changed my thinking and it went like this.
“I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacation with better care than they do their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is is easier than change”– Jim Rohn
If you need a plan for personal change, I’m just an email away. Email ME
Today I finished day 80 of this program called the 80 Day Obsession, I’ll show you ONE photo but it won’t be my official before/after. . The results are obviously there in photos as I have done a 2-4 minute video of EVERY day of the program on my youtube channel and can clearly see massive changes. What you can’t see in those photos though are the changes that have happened INSIDE of me. I have grown in confidence, but more importantly in self discipline. I’ll be taking my photos in a couple days (due to this MASSIVE red sunburn I have right now!!) and I can’t wait to share them with you in hopes that inspires YOU to start your journey.
- I have struggled with some areas or vices in my life that challenge my will-power every day. There is something about mastering my discipline with following this timed nutrition and the challenging workouts that kept my mind focused on my forward progress and goals with completing this program that my vices slipped away and were nearly non-existent.
- I realized that in the 8 years of doing workouts from home, I have been holding back when it gets “challenging”. There was something about the way Autumn spoke to me that helped remind me every day that I am capable of achieving my goals and that the only way to get what I want is to push myself beyond what I am comfortable doing.
- Aside from ONE day, I ate NO chocolate, chips, or candy over the course of the 80 days. I feel that this was probably one of the biggest accomplishments that was achieved over the past 80 days. I realize that PRIOR to following this meal plan, I was eating some sort of sweets at least ONCE per day. I was putting MASSIVE amounts of sugar in my oatmeal and other foods. I truly realized that I was an emotional eater and I am PROUD to say that I have realized that fact so that I can be aware in the future and moving forward.
- I realize that I was NOT eating the right foods or the right amounts of food. Following this meal plan was eye-opening to me about the ways that I was holding myself back by not eating enough foods and not eating the right foods to properly fuel my body and to help it become stronger. I fell in love with eating GREENS and realized that I was eating about 1/5TH the amount of veggies that I should be eating in one day.
- I ended my journey at 163 lbs and started at 168.5lbs. That is 5.5 lbs of weight loss. The mind blowing part to me is that a few years ago prior to my collarbone re-build, surgery on both biceps, and a torn rotator cuff I weighed 185 lbs. I hopped on the bench press with my friend and realized that I am STRONGER now than I was when I weighed 22 lbs more. This is due to the amount of strength I gained in my back, core, and glutes.
- I came to LOVE working legs and butt. This feels weird to write and and share but I always avoided to an extent really challenging myself on leg day with previous programs when it was only ONE day a week. With 80 Day Obsession I literally worked legs, glutes, or quads in SOME way EVERY single day and I love working those muscle groups now.
I could probably list many other things other than the 7 above but I have to give a huge shout out to our accountability and test group for giving everything they had as well. The SUPPORT that we shared together as a team is what really helped me follow through on the days when I woke up and didn’t feel like working out. I knew that they were counting on me and they knew that I was counting on them. ( If you want to apply for a future test group APPLY HERE.)
Amy Gruetzmacher
Day 1 to day 80. Changes since January 15:
23.3 pounds gone
Lost 15.25 inches
Dropped from a size 12/14 to a size 10
My wedding rings are too big. I’m pulling clothes out of my closet I haven’t worn in years! I’m back to wedding / pre-baby weight! (And my youngest just turned 3… I have learned which foods my body can handle and which foods do not work for my body. I am strong, can easily carry 50 lb salt bags down the stairs! My cardio endurance is up, I did sparring and running and wasn’t even winded. I am proud of myself for finishing the 80 day program without missing any days overall (1 or 2 shifted due to schedules)! I have gained confidence to put myself out there and try new physical exercises that I didn’t know if I could do! The best news is my hubby really likes my new shape. In other news: I’m not getting as much sleep as I used to!!.
(The pics aren’t great – but that’s what you get with a 3 year old for a photographer) Thanks for the journey! You all have been such an encouragement!
Nicole Stephenson
And with the tears at the end…80 Day Obsession is a wrap !! What a journey this has been. From showing up everyday at 4am , following nutrition 95% as some days emotions took over , but I bounced back. Have gained much strength, better mindset & incredibly proud that my health condition & this “over 50” girl was able to do this! Down 4.5 lbs & 5 inches . Even see some “baby” abs & guns trying to peek out !! ( Grey pants are after pics)
Lore Mendez
“Today wraps up my first round of 80 days!!! I have to say it was emotional seen the cast and Autumn cry at the last 10 mins….. and I have to say I cry, no tear up but cry… why? Because in the 3 years that I’ve been working out with beachbody yes I finish a lot of programs but ‘ve never stick to one with the meal as I did with this one, and the fact that every day was a surprise with the workout because it was different every day made the 80 days even better. It’s been 80 days without alcohol, 75 days days without chocolate (yeah I got a piece of chocolate during the first 2 weeks and a piece in the middle of the second phase and 80 days of been eating healthy and making wise choices for my 5 meals per day!!!!!!
This program has showed to me that I can do what ever comes my way and that I’m strong and you may not see changes on my before and after picture physically but mentally and psychologically I’m better and yes I defined muscles and lost more fat because I started my journey with the purpose to toned my muscles and be stronger, my goals was not loose weight and I accomplish it!!!!!!! Now like always the workouts not only helped me to keep healthy and in shape but the endorphins have been my outlet to deal with my mood swings and the downs during our path in life…. thank you Autumn because I started this journey 3 years ago with 21 day fix when my coach introduced me for the very first time to Autumn and now she challenge me again and made me stronger!!!!!!”
Jacki Kouba FIRST $2,000/Week with Team Beachbody Coaching
I’ll never forget how I felt signing my name to the very first offer letter that was given me as I gratuated from college, BLOWN AWAY by that $30,000 salary looking back at me.
I. Was. Freaking. RICH.
I remember proudly telling my family what I’d be making in this job, thinking, YEP that’s right, ME, I’m making 30-freaking-K 💁🏼
I mean, compared to my part-time hourly wage I was making selling shoes for FootLocker during my college days, this really did seem pretty accurate 😂
I also remember the convos I was having with my bestie, who signed an offer letter similar to mine, and all our ideas of “we are literally going to be able to fly to Vegas, any time we want, on a whim!! Because look at us with our big girl jobs and our big girl salaries”.
And the ideas of growth, success, ambition, and the ability to live life on my terms were officially set in motion 🙏🏻
The hashtag, #100Kby30 would develop as me and my bestie started exchanging emails (on work hours of course 😉) about our dreams, the things we could do and wanted to do, our career paths, etc. and we determined:
We were not going to stop until we were making $100K salaries, and we were GOING to do that before we each turned 30 (which, when you’re currently 23 and only 19 days apart, this is a pretty cool goal to hold each other to 😉)
We would both change jobs a couple times after that, and what went from a $30K salary grew into larger salaries (particularly after big girl salaries went to big girl bills and big city rent 😂) but our goal of #100Kby30 held strong.
And it was in those years 👆🏻 That this online health, fitness, and lifestyle side business came into both of our lives.
And that’s exactly what it was: an F Yes to running these fun online fitness accountability groups for girls like us (aka, the ambitious girl who likes to have fun and loved her happy hours, but also liked being fit, balanced, and able to keep up with her fast pace life) which turned into a nice side income to pay for all the big-girl things our salaries just didn’t leave room for.
It took me SIX MONTHS to save $500 with my online side business. And HOT DAMN I about peed my pants when, at 24 years old, I had a solid $500 in savings 😂
🔥 The possibilities were endless
But here’s the thing: over time, $500 made in 6 months turned into $500 made in a week, which then turned into $1000 made in a week…
And after 4 years of having the time of my freaking life doing what I LOVE,
I kept my goal with my bestie 😉
And at 28 years old, I have surpassed $100,000 as an ANNUAL INCOME and officially made over $2,000+ in one week, all just in my online health, fitness, and lifestyle coaching business💓
#100Kby30 : thank you for being a goal we not only looked to for inspiration, but a goal I crushed 1.5 years early doing something I FREAKING LOVE 💓
And to you girl, who made it this far in this uber lengthy post (😉), I want you to know that just a LITTLE extra each week (like when I made about $100 extra dollars over the course of a month)… it REALLY goes a long way. And if you’re making that little bit of extra income simply by holding yourself accountable to your own health and fitness goals, by connecting with others and encouraging them to do the same, and by having a freaking blast? I mean, why the hell not
🤷🏼♀️ You never know what it might grow into
So damn grateful for this life, and so dang amped to keep showing other women what’s possible if and when they are ready to do a little more with their own potential ☺️
Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill 😉