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Bikini Competitor Beachbody Coach |

In October 2012 my friend Brittany Kovacs competed in a bikini competition, she was weighing every gram of every morsel of food that she put in her mouth and spending hours in the gym everyday on top of working two jobs.  I want to tell the story of this bikini competitor Beachbody Coach and the steps she took to change her life and the life of her family.

Like many of you perhaps she was exposed to network marketing shortly after that bikini competition in 2012 and partnered with a company selling gas, electricity, home phone, internet, and direct TV! She would dress up in a suit and do presentations in living rooms and I saw the lifestyle that was possible through building your own business in a network marketing company. She saw the vision but that was not her PASSION.  
Following the Bikini competition and the MLM experience the next 18 months she struggled with a binge eating disorder and ended up in therapy but she kept trying to be the fit chick on Instagram and was truly in the darkest place of her life.. she would do an hour of the stair master at 5am.. go to her nanny job for 9 hours a day… go to her server/bartender job.
During this time she was invited to become a coach there but she was in no way, shape, or form in the headspace to partner with a health and wellness company.  
At this time, she stepped away from “fitness/dieting” entirely so that she could find herself .. During this time she found Jesus and a church and got baptized and ended up meeting her now husband! 
Brittany got married in August 2015, purchased 21 day fix dvd challenge pack on October 2015 and joined a challenge group/ Virtual gym. This was the key and what helped her find that “normal people fitness” balance that She was always looking for. A LIFESTYLE change. 

bikini competitor beachbody coach

Brittany signed up to be a coach in June 2016 because she just wanted to pay it forward and help other women break those same chains that had paralyzed her for so long but also because she knew that kind of life that partnering with the right company could provide for her and my future family so long as she puts the work and her love and passion behind it. 
Fast forward to today, Brittany is 3.5 years into building her business. She has never taken her foot off the gas through the many different seasons of life. She was able to walk away from her Nanny job and is now a full time work from home momma and has been able to semi retire her husband as well, he works for himself now taking on only the jobs that bring him joy and they get to live in a world where everyday feels like Saturday!
Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity.
Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent
Coach Earnings located at for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.
All the Details on Beachbody coaching in 10 minutes
bikini competitor beachbody coach