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Beachbody Archives - Page 7 of 17 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Elite 2012 Beachbody Coach #16

Elite 2012 Beachbody Coach #16

I am overwhelmed with excitement with the news I received this weekend.  The first news I heard was that I was officially an ELITE 2012 Beachbody Coach.  The second was that I ended out the year as #16 in the whole company out of over 95,000 coaches.  Being a Dad of 4...
P90X Certification

P90X Certification

P90X Certification I am excited to announce that I am not just only a Beachbody coach but now also have P90X Certification.  This means that I can officially teach a P90X class in a gym.  The opportunities with Beachbody are spreading further and further each day and...
What is a Mentor?

What is a Mentor?

What is a Mentor? I want to answer for you today a question I had as I began my journey as a Beachbody Coach.   What is a mentor?  This is something I really didn’t understand when I first heard it but as I have grown as a coach and a leader I have been able to...