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Blog Archives - Page 30 of 160 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
All The Hard Work

All The Hard Work

If I had not taken a chance with this home fitness business called Team Beachbody, this boy most likely would not have made it into this world.  Read that again because that thought stopped me in my tracks today. All the hard work, all the sacrifices, all the...
Set You On The Right Path

Set You On The Right Path

I’ll start by saying these results are NOT from BODi’s newest program “The 4 Week Gut Protocol” however, my results were from a very similar process and thousands of dollars to a few doctors.  Why the HECK do I have Acne at the age of 38 and WHY is it getting...
You’re A Decision Away

You’re A Decision Away

I’m pissed off.  It’s early 2011 and I’m sitting in my cubicle when I log onto Facebook during my 10 minute break at 9:30 am.  It’s a dreary, dark, and slightly chilly morning in Idaho after a long winter and I see HUNDREDS of people on a cruise ship. They...
Greatest Habits

Greatest Habits

“When a man can listen to a woman’s feelings without getting angry and frustrated, he gives her a wonderful gift. He makes it safe for her to express herself. The more she is able to express herself, the more she feels heard and understood, and the more she is...
New And Greater Version Of Yourself

New And Greater Version Of Yourself

Your path to a NEW and greater version of yourself could quite possibly start with this personal development book. Myself and members of the Level Up squad invite YOU to come and read this book with us starting in about a week. This will be our 3rd book together this...
Build Businesses From Home

Build Businesses From Home

Just 12 years ago this week I became friends on Facebook with Lindsay Matway. Her posts about helping people become healthier and build businesses from home together with her story of leaving the life of bartending to raise her daughter and work her business full-time...