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Blog Archives - Page 33 of 160 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Business as a Partner with BODi

Business as a Partner with BODi

I wanted to be a pro baseball player and steal bases like Ricky Henderson. I worked and played hard. I had the opportunity to play Little League World Series and won 1st place in a base stealing competition. We went on to win championships into my teen years with Babe...
Should I become a BODi Coach in 2023

Should I become a BODi Coach in 2023

Client spotlight: Meet my friend @perfectly_imperfect_liz82 who I have the opportunity to meet with once a week on zoom and see almost daily in our Virtual gym. You might be asking yourself, Should I become a BODi coach in 2023? Does BODi coaching really work? Do I...
School of Greatness

School of Greatness

I was thinking about motivation this morning while listening to an interview with @brendonburchard on @lewishowes podcast called The School of Greatness. You’re looking to stay “Motivated” with something in your life. The truth of the matter is that nobody can...
Growing Confidence and Vision

Growing Confidence and Vision

I have HUGE goals for my fitness and also for the growth you’ll see in our business and team over the next 5 years. I’ve recently realized that I have been playing small, somehow being afraid that I will offend or upset some people by my growing confidence and vision....
Build a Retirement.

Build a Retirement.

“Hey can I come in late so that I can help my kids with a school project?” “No we have a deadline to hit and we need you here at 5:00 am.” You feel upset and begin to question all areas of your life.  How did I get here?  What are my top priorities? ...


“I know beachbody gets a bad rep for being an MLM but what are things that have kept you from looking at it in a negative way?” BODi MLM? This is a question I received yesterday from a cool guy I met on IG who’s going to join our team of coaches.  Immediately after...