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Videos Archives - Page 3 of 4 - Home of the Best Beachbody Coaches |

P90X2- Future of Fitness!

Power Half Hour broke the mold, P90X pushed the envelope, and soon, P90X2 will shatter the mold, crush the envelope, and ignite a sports science revolution. Here is a very first look at the future of fitness. Pre-order cabability coming soon!  You will be able to...


I want to share with everyone the beginning of this amazing transformation.  Jessica has been doing P90X  and using Shakeology for just 30 days now and she is blowing our minds.  I LOVED seeing this video because it helps people realize what kind of things you can...

Team Bombshell Dynasty Coaches

Here is a video of me doing some P90X moves as well as a few pictures from Team Bombshell Dynasty Coaches.  Nothing has pushed me harder than being a coach myself.  I will be writing a post about how beneficial it is to coach others! Click to see—-> Coach...

Bringing it at the Park

This is my start to posting videos for all of you.  This is done on my 1 hour lunch break.  I ran 1 mile to the park and did pullups and pushups for 1/2 hour then ran back.  This was the last set before I headed back.  Remember this was done after an intense Chest and...