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P90X Archives - Home of the Best BODi Partners |

Ripped in 90 Days

Ripped in 90 Days Carl Beene Carl wanted to get ripped in 90 days but knew that this alone would not hold him accountable to his long term goals.  His solution:  Become a Team Beachbody Coach.  By becoming a Team Beachbody coach he made the commitment to not only work...
P90X Certification

P90X Certification

P90X Certification I am excited to announce that I am not just only a Beachbody coach but now also have P90X Certification.  This means that I can officially teach a P90X class in a gym.  The opportunities with Beachbody are spreading further and further each day and...
P90X Transformation

P90X Transformation

P90X Transformation I want to show you a man who is committed to his P90X Transformation.  He had a medical issue come up which caused him to completely stop P90X and wait to start back up again.  He gained back all the weight he initially lost but did not let that...