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Lose Weight After Baby - 21 Day Fix

Lose Weight After Baby

Jennifer Northrup

Have you ever worked on a health and fitness transformation and then just fell off?  I know it has happened to me from time to time.  I was on Facebook and talking with my friend Jennifer about her most recent result pictures with the 21 Day Fix and she shares what she did to lose weight after baby.  But like many other mothers, the holidays got distracting and she fell behind in her health and really began to feel it and notice it.  When this happened she decided to commit to 21 days and these were the results from doing that.  I am so excited to share with you these pictures because I know that they can help motivate you to take some simple starting steps with me and our accountability group.  Please reach out for help by contacting me.


results may vary

“Ive been a Team Beachbody coach for 2 1/2 years and had amazing results with Chalean Extreme after having my second baby and have maintained ever since but after the holidays were over it was obvious to me that my jeans didn’t fit & my shirts seemed to be too tight.  That is when I committed to doing 21 days of Shakeology every single day, worked out at home following the 21 Day Fix meal plan and did the workouts 4x a week, and these were my final results.” – Jennifer

BUY 21 DAY FIX HERE and have ME as your FREE COACH