Melissa faced objection from many people as have a lot of us when going through a weightloss transformation. The thing about her that stands out is that she does not let that bother her! She has decided to help motivate others to make a change in their lives and she is a GREAT example of how this is done! Melissa has almost completed 2 rounds of Insanity with Shaun T. She is dedicated, motivated, and has completely changed her lifestyle to one of health and helping others. She has an amazing blog and a really awesome transformation video to show her progress and what she has gone through. She has Decided, Committed, and is now Succeeding with Beachbody in all areas of her life. This is a girl that you know will never go back to her old lifestyle. Way to DIG DEEPER Melissa!

Amazing Insanity transformation with Shaun T!
results may vary