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Shift Shop Proving Grounds Results |

Shift Shop Proving Grounds Results


Not your normal before/after 😜  So here are my Shift Shop Proving Grounds Results.

It’s been 11 days since I completed my Proving Grounds 3 week program and I’ve been holding off on posting my results.

I’m 10 lbs heavier than when I started just 4 weeks ago. I kept saying, “ I’m going to clean up my nutrition and post my results next week” ( continued below my Shift Shop Proving Grounds results pictures)

I kept doing the workouts and getting stronger but I was eating more and more things that are definitely not on my meal plan. Muffins, hot tamales, chips, cookies, cookie dough, Wendy’s fries and a chicken burger, and anything else you can think of.

So now I truly know what’s happening many times when somebody tells me “I’m doing the workouts and not seeing results”

Because trust me, I sweat more than ever and worked harder than ever over the past 30 days. I drank my super dense nutrition shake EVERY morning morning. I checked in with my group EVERY day. I even walked 8-11 mile on top of my workout a couple times while hunting with my dad but I still gained 10 lbs.

My cardio is better and I’m stronger as you can see with the numbers on my score sheets but I feel like A*%.

You can’t outwork a bad diet.

I had a moment 2 nights ago where I felt miserable after eating pizza and then devouring a whole share size box of hot tamales.

Monday Gabby and I are prepping and following a meal plan 100% because we deserve to feel good.

How many of you have slipped like this?