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What is Success? |

What is Success?

Lisa Matthews

results may vary

What is Success?  What does it mean to be successful in life?  I believe that success is finding and knowing your purpose and then continually growing yourself and contributing to others and their growth.  It’s being happy despite whatever trial or tribulation you may be going through.  Its waking up and knowing you are here for a reason.  This is what I love about Team Beachbody.  It all starts with one of our amazing workout programs and meal plans and then the next thing you know, you have found your purpose in helping others.  I want to give a huge shout out to Lisa Matthews up in Alberta Canada for being an amazing challenger, having a great transformation and continuing to work on it, and for helping others transform their mind, body, and spirit.


For the first time in years, I am able to contribute to my family financially & Im doing it all from home!
Month 3 – Covering my shakeology
Month 5 – Bill payment & Shakeology
Month 7 – Bills, shakeology & Van payment!!

Anyone can do this. I am not special. I didn’t have any prior fitness or health training, but what I did have was a story….a story that others can relate to!

8 Months ago I had started to see some AMAZING results with the program Insanity & Shakeology. I had placed myself into some amazing challenge groups online that motivated me and gave me support daily. By nature, I am driven, goal-oreineted and a go-getter but I still found the challenge of completing a program to be difficult alone, so I am grateful for the support and accountability within these groups.

Within 30 days I was feeling strong, confident and like myself again. One evening I was scrolling through You Tube and stumbled across my Coach Scottie Hobbs videos. I honestly at this time wasn’t even aware of the Coaching opportunity, so I kept watching and become more intrigued. Listening to him succeeding in his life as one of the Top Male Beachbody coaches in the company, hearing about him setting goals and accomplishing them, being unbelievably happy in his home life & sharing such an amazing story attracted me in so much that I reached out and emailed him that evening.

I knew I loved Shakeology & the programs, and while I was loving NOT having to go to work in the day & leave my children in childcare, we still could use the extra income each month. So I signed up right then & gulped down my fears & self doubts. I stepped outside of my comfort zone & gave it a shot.

My goal originally was to cover my Shakeology monthly & receive 25% off all my future programs to continue my journey of getting healthy and back in shape. I still had fitness goals to reach, and these were the tools that were getting me closer to them everyday. Within the first few weeks I learned what an amazing opportunity this could be. Bonuses for coaching, training & support like you wouldn’t believe, trips & prizes, friendships….the list really goes on.

The personal development & leadership training has directly benefited me not just with-in my business, in my over-all life! Being able to live out & develop the strengths I have has completely enhanced my marriage, my role as a mom (also staying in shape to keep up with my kiddos) & has give me a fresh & healthy perspective on life again.

In no means was coaching going to be a get-rich quick business, and it definitely was going to require a lot of late nights, hard work, and sacrifices, but with my drive & the ability to balance back from disappointment, the desire to learn and grow & to help others, I truly believed in my heart this was the RIGHT PATH form me.

newest diamond coach


I knew if I remained consistent in my behaviours, reached out to as many people as I could to help & truly drove this business with passion & integrity, then the rest would follow. As it has already started, in being able to contribute towards our groceries, bills & vehicle payments. Not only that, but I am able to continue on this fitness journey “guilt free” because I am spending money that is not needed else where at this time! It feels great! I am so grateful for this opportunity & am looking forward to my future for the first time in a long time, because I am in control of it!

If your reading this & getting that nervous/excited feeling about what this opportunity could mean for you – whether its just wanting to have your Shakeology pay for itself, needing a couple hundred dollars a month, or incorporating your love and interest for fitness, health and helping others into a paying job, I would love to answer any questions you have!