I am super excited to share the results of my good friend Many Hill who lives in the UK. We met on Facebook as she started asking questions about our “coach opportunity” for a friend. After months of back and forth conversations she was inspired by the continually before/progress pictures of our clients and coaches. Earlier this year she went all in with a workout and nutrition package as a new coach. She’s also flying over the the USA next month for our annual Beachbody Coach Summit event in Indy! These are her results from our 21 day program which includes 30 minute workouts, a meal plan, and a super dense nutrition and health shake.

“I started because the accountability and workouts looked fun, it was a whole package. The workout and nutrition package, the natural ingredients, I saw the many before and after pictures that my coach Scottie posted and I felt embarrassed to walk out the door due to how I felt and looked.
After starting I now feel awesome. I have so much more energy. I am down 3 clothes sizes. I am down 1.11 stone and I feel more confident, less ashamed of myself, and ready to keep going with my journey.

I will contine my journey because, WHY stop something that’s working!!?? Iv’e also not got my 6 pack yet so I cant stop 😛 I’d love to help others with something that works, not just for them but for me too. If I am being honest, I’ve been 30/70 with nutrition so my results could have been better, so it was a slight injustice to myself. I’m going to help others because encouraging them to participate can genuinely save their life, assist with otherall health and well-being, which can lead to potentially assisting them to have a more fulfilled active happy life.”