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April 2017 - Page 4 of 6 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
I Am Team Beachbody Tiara Vail

I Am Team Beachbody Tiara Vail

Over the past fews days you may have seen #IAMTEAMBEACHBODY passing through cyber space. If you haven’t clicked on the hashtag I want to encourage you to check it out! Even to this day I get nervous about sharing or oversharing my story, but because this movement...
New Shakeology Ingredients

New Shakeology Ingredients

New Shakeology Ingredients At our most recent Super Saturday we announced the two new Shakeology ingredients which are Matcha and Chaga.  They were announced at the same time that the two new Vegan Flavored Shakeology flavors were announced which I know confused a few...