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Over the Top Transformations Archives - Page 34 of 90 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Does Body Beast Work

Does Body Beast Work

Does Body Beast Work results may vary I KNOW it’s late but I have been waiting to get to a computer so I could share my day 90 Photos to help answer the question, “Does Body Beast work?”  Aside from the Saint George tan I can’t SEE to much...
Introducing Team Beachbody

Introducing Team Beachbody

Introducing Team Beachbody Molly McCarriar King results may vary Introducing Team Beachbody videos were how I originally learned that I could become a Team Beachbody Coach.  Below in this post I share the transformation that has happened with my friend Molly King....
Conscious about my Body

Conscious about my Body

Conscious about my Body Krystoffer A. Strong When you are open about your life and stop worrying about what others think about you, you begin to attract amazing people into your life.  I openly share how I had poor self esteem throughout my life and how my P90X...
Your Reason

Your Reason

Your Reason When you hear the phrase “Face Your Grizzly” It means you are standing up against your fears with courage.  The 1st step to facing your grizzly is to have a your reason.  I love seeing the progress of my friend Jeff as he changes and helps...
22 Minute Hard Corps

22 Minute Hard Corps

22 Minute Hard Corps Steven Torres I want to share with you my friend Steven’s results with the new 22 Minute Hard Corps workout program which was produced by Tony Horton the creator of the original P90X.  Steven prior to his journey was a restaurant owner who...
Face your Grizzly

Face your Grizzly

Face your Grizzly Lori Stuart results may vary Face your Grizzly.  We all have fears in our life.  Real life threatening fears but also fears of failure, judgement, and many other things.  Often times we have this assumption that the successful people we meet no...