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September 2015 - Page 4 of 6 - Home of the Best Beachbody Coaches |
Is Shakeology worth it?

Is Shakeology worth it?

Is Shakeology worth it? Savannah Butler I want to be 100% honest with you.  For an entire year I refused to try Shakeology.  I was always debating in my mind, “Is Shakeology worth it?”  It wasn’t until I realized that I was spending a little over $3...
I feel like crap

I feel like crap

I FEEL LIKE CRAP Amie Peterson I have to give a huge shout out to my friend Amie Peterson for sharing her result after 2 rounds of the awesome Beachbody workout called 21 Day Fix.  Prior to starting she was always asking herself, “why do I feel like crap”....
Why should I workout

Why should I workout

Why should I workout? Josh Winningham I get many of my friends asking, dude, “why should I workout, I’m pretty busy at work and always on my feet.”  My answer is simple.  Yes that is active and better than sitting in a desk but it’s really not...

Do I Matter

Do I Matter One of the most important things that people want in life is to feel like they matter.  Do I matter?  Heck yes I do and I feel proud that I can confidently say that.  I often times felt like I didn’t, or that I could be replaced and that change of...
Does T25 Work

Does T25 Work

  Does T25 Work Melissa Wickersty Cuccolo Does T25 really work Scottie? I have simple answer for you.  YES, but only if YOU do.  I am super proud of one of our Team Beachbody Coaches Melissa for the results she has achieved in just the past 90 days.  Maybe you...